Sister Christy Rose surprised me this morning by sharing this award: "Queen of Alll Things". "Awe-summm" as it says on the bottom of it.
I view my life as a big puzzle, with different pieces strewn out on this floor of life. My puzzle [life] is not awesome until the last piece is placed by the loving hands of my Lord.
I am thankful to your friendship sister Christy and to others I had met and have not met that the Lord brought into my life through this blogosphere. You continue to inspire me with your blog that reflects your deep love for the Creator, "the secret life of an American wife and mom", which is not a secret anymore as you chose to share your walk with the Lord. For those of you who haven't met sister Christy, I encourage you to check her site and be blessed the way she blesses me every time.
I know through these blessings [awards], it's not about winning or recognition, but as we share it, we have that opportunity to meet many others who are also blogging for the Lord. And through blogging, by doing so, we are able to share what the Lord had done and is still doing with each of us.
The rule of the award is to:
- List 7 things that make you "awe-summm" and then, pass the award on to 7 bloggers you love.
-Make sure to tag the recepients and let them know they have won!
- Link back to the "Queen" that tagged you.
"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand." - John 10:28
1. My life that is a "puzzle" is not like other puzzles that are hard to solve. The verse above reminds me that my life is awesome since giving my heart to the Lord. It has meaning. It has directions.
2. "Awesome Lord" gave me an "awesome husband who is a godly-fearing man himself, always there beside me, encouraging me in all ways. He is the definition of "for richer or poorer, in health or sickness, 'til death do us part..."
3. "Awesome Lord" made me an "awe-summ queen" because He blessed us with an awesome son who is thoughtful and sweet in his ways, very respectful of the Lord and of us and others.
4. I love to write for the Lord so thanks to Him that I learned how to blog. He blessed me with awesome brothers and sisters in His Holy Name who also write for His glory!
5. Inspired by Him, I love to compose songs that I use to worship Him in return. It's awesome, He gives me songs so I can praise Him with my guitar! I don't care if I don't have a nice voice :) My Lord says otherwise.
6. I used to be an Orthopedic Nurse for 10 years. Out of the blue, I sustained a neck injury. The doctor told me to get out of this field. But I love it - to help others in their sickness and healing process. "Nothing is impossible with our Lord!" He brought me to a correctional facility, took away my fears and guides me still always. It's not an easy transition, but don't forget that there is no problem bigger than the Lord. I am praying that I am His "awe-summm" tool in sharing His light in that dark place. To God be the glory!
7. I am contented with things. Just love simple things and quiet life. Love to bless and encourage others because the Lord had blessed me and encouraged me first!
Yes, I am "Queen of All Things" but not "Awe-summm" yet, until the work marked for me is finished. By then, I am aiming to finish it and endure whatever comes my way [by God's grace]. I pray that when that time comes, Someone will say, "Rosel, you are AWE-SUMMM" as He placed that last piece of puzzle that would complete my life's journey.
It's hard to pick just 7 bloggers that I love because honestly speaking I have more than that, so I think I am going to break this rule and would love you guys to check out these wonderful sites.
They are all awesome and on fire for the Lord! We can all learn from each other and different opinions we may have, but the bottom line is: we are all united by His love...
- you wanna smile? check out sister Mary
-need a youthful input? check out Cait
-need a laugh? go to sister Kat
-a great prayer intercessor, friend, lover of Jesus, and many more: sister Lisa
-a woman with a humble heart: sister Alleluiabelle
-she calls herself "crazy"....for Jesus : sister Beth
-she stood up to write for the Lord, owner of an awesome therapy dog: sister Andrea
-sister Christy had shared this blessing with her, but I want to still because when the word "transparency" comes, it makes me think of her: sister Cynthia
-she doesn't like awards but this sweet woman deserves it, too because no matter what, she keeps on walking on that narrow path that leads to life: sister Bren
-if you want a little bit of everything: tears, laughter, craziness, check her out: sister Heather
-passionate for Jesus, no matter what: sister Denise
-a great photographer who combines the pics with powerful Scriptures: sister Heather
-writing is her calling: sister Mary
-a woman with a humble heart: sister Alleluiabelle
-she calls herself "crazy"....for Jesus : sister Beth
-she stood up to write for the Lord, owner of an awesome therapy dog: sister Andrea
-sister Christy had shared this blessing with her, but I want to still because when the word "transparency" comes, it makes me think of her: sister Cynthia
-she doesn't like awards but this sweet woman deserves it, too because no matter what, she keeps on walking on that narrow path that leads to life: sister Bren
-if you want a little bit of everything: tears, laughter, craziness, check her out: sister Heather
-passionate for Jesus, no matter what: sister Denise
-a great photographer who combines the pics with powerful Scriptures: sister Heather
-writing is her calling: sister Mary
You, all of you are "awe-summmmm" and that word doesn't even describe it. Keep writing for the Lord! God bless. Thank you sister Christy.