Mommy and Kristian's Song For Jesus

Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the LORD protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.  – Psalm 127:1 (NLT)

Sorry…” I uttered to my husband to let him know that the nights I desired to be scheduled to work seemed not to be available as they used to be. One nurse came back from being a Per Diem and decided to go full time. She worked and wanted to work with the staff I usually worked with.

I was warning my husband just so he would know. That it was getting harder to get in on weekend nights that I wanted. He didn’t want me to work on weekdays. Knowing I was busy at home, tending to our needs. He reassured and without a change in his facial expression just whispered, “It’s okay.”

He was always supportive of me since being demoted in my position at work. He knew injustices were rampant. Like in his job. Powerful people seemed to prosper more. Everyone would try to fit in in a “Click” just so they could get along with each other. Even if it meant crossing some lines. He wasn’t that way. I wasn’t that way. With our lives changed and being renewed when we were found by the Lord, we knew we were involved…In an unseen battle.

We used to do the same. Pursue those things that actually never had a lasting value. And our lives changed when the Lord found us and life for us, as individuals and as a family would never be the same. Our cares were to keep ourselves in the love of God. Whether we had little or much of anything, didn’t matter anymore. For we knew, by His grace, any of our plans could fail, without Him.

I looked at the schedule and sighed…My cares I chose to give to His hands. For He would be the One to direct anyone’s steps.

Feeling the achiness from my shoulder last night, my cell phone rang and I saw it was one of the night supervisors. I picked up. She advised me. She might need me this Friday though I wasn’t scheduled. It might be short of staff.

I’m always available on those nights. Thank you,” I ended our short conversation with true gratitude.
My husband sitting at the nearby dining table heard me and looked at my direction and smiled at me as he whispered, “I told you…It’s okay…

Deep inside, we both knew it was His provision. His Divine blessing

I remembered this song God gave me on June 7, 2003. Our old house was already stripped of all belongings as we were in the process of moving to another house. I remembered asking my son to help me finish with the lyrics and he just said, “Thank You, Lord”. He was busy playing with his keyboard and in soft melody that filled the barren indoor, the truth hit me that without Jesus, our lives were like the empty house. They felt void. And even when we gave in our lives to His love and friendship and gift of Salvation, it still wouldn’t be easy for trials would still come at any moment. But life with Jesus has an out-of-this-world reward: His promise of an everlasting life to those who would love Him.

Mommy and Kristian’s Song For Jesus 

I thought that I don’t need anyone
But my life has long been gone
Jesus, thank You for finding me
Your love fills me up completely


May Your love on me grow
For all people to know
Don’t want to be lost again
Help me be strong against all sins

Thank You for dying on the cross
But on the third day You rose
My life with You won’t be the same
Right path I’m walking on today

(Repeat Chorus)

He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him. -Psalm 126:6 (NIV)


  1. I like that song about Jesus. I like how your life experiences always end up praising Jeaus.

  2. I love this post... and being reconnected with you after my long absence at blogland. It has been a busy month, December came rushing in... but in the end, bid me goodbye ever so softly. What a blessing my blog friends have been, keeping me company through their warm comments left at the end of my posts. You have been on my thoughts, dear Rosel. The injustice that has been done to you, God will be the one to reward you. Last year was a year of sifting... but this year is a year of transition. Without Jesus, our lives are like empty houses. But when Jesus comes in, He takes over, and renovates, and rearranges the furniture.

    The lyrics to the song are so meaningful. Thank you for sharing the story about it. Have an abundant new year ahead of you, dear friend and kababayan.


  3. I do believe that things will only continue to get better and better for you as the Lord continues to fill you with His love. \0/

  4. I believe you have grown much during this whole challenging time. How you respond to the request for you to come in if needed on a Friday night. You are so sweet and kind despite their not so nice manner to you. Even though I've not met you in person, I can't help but feel you are becoming more like Jesus.

    Blessings and love to you sister,

  5. Hello Sweet Rosel! I finally had time to come over for a visit! I love what Debbie wrote here above me. What a sweet compliment that she can see your growth. All of the attacks that you have overcome have only been used for His good purposes because He loves you and you are so faithful.

    Many blessings to you!

  6. Blessings, love, prayers, and hugs to you sis.

  7. somehow He always turns the hard stuff into good. Hugs from my heart to yours.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing you playing the song; adored it! You & your husband's faith in the provision of God inspires me my own faith.

  9. That is very pretty. :) You are good on that guitar. Thanks so much for sharing your song.


"Faith is taking the first step even if you don't see the whole staircase..."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


