He was quiet the whole time…I wasn’t sure if he was contemplating on why he resisted his arrest and perhaps, regretting the way he did. Or he was in so much pain that his remaining strength waned at every passing second, as each wound bled and throbbed with pain.
I had everything ready in front of me: gauze, saline, wound cleanser, antibiotics, a sterile pack for wound care and some pain-relievers I had stashed in a small, tan envelope. He was screened by the Intake Nurse after being treated at the hospital. But as he was walking toward the unit where he would be housed, his wounds started bleeding. So, the deputy brought him to the Clinic and had us evaluated them again.
His left shin was swollen. The metal part of a baton etched on it, as it started to become bluish. He showed me his right elbow. There was a big abrasion that bled a little. His face, slightly swollen on the left cheek. He looked embarrassed at the same time. Not wanting to answer the deputy’s queries on what he did that precipitated the officers to hit him.
I wasn’t paying attention to their one-sided conversation. I was looking at each wound, thinking how it wasn’t even open but he looked like he was already in so much pain. And a scenery flashed in my mind that dated back thousands of years ago. When one man, sinless, was hit hard though no crime was ever committed by him. He knew this needed to happen. He had many wounds from being whipped. His head pierced with a crown of thorns. His hands and feet pierced by the nails. His side pierced by the Roman soldier. He wasn’t a felon. He was God’s only Son. Willed to die on the cross to pay for humanity’s sins. He is Jesus…..God has no obligation to save any of us. But because He loves us, He sent Jesus to take away the sins of the world…The punishment paid…by Jesus’ blood. The sentence no longer applies. And God raised Jesus from the dead. And the death sentence has been lifted from mankind, too.
“Everyone dies because all of us are related to Adam, the first man. But all who are related to Christ, the other man, will be given a new life.” ~ 1 Corinthians 15:22
But for us to be given eternal life, we must choose to believe in Jesus and repent for our sins and make Him the Lord of our lives. “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.” ~ Matthew 7:13-14
Do you know Jesus? Yes, the One wounded many years ago….The One Who died for you and me…
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
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New Life.1 week ago
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Sweetness16 years ago
Another awesome post written from the heart of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for being faithful to post what GOD leads.
My heart breaks as I know the painful death on the cross that Christ suffered for us.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Rosel. You are in my prayers.
The ultimate sacrifice indeed. Thanks Rosel for sharing. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteI have tears in my eyes when I think of what Jesus did for us/me. Praise God!
ReplyDeleteYou share the gospel so beautifully. Thank you for your heart to minister to all people and the work you do to help heal the prisoners. Are many of them ADD? I posted a blog giveaway today. Hope you'll stop by!
ReplyDeleteA beautiful post, Dear, thank you. Blessings ~
ReplyDeleteI'm with Mary! You share the Gospel so beautifully Rosel! You bless me with each and every post!
ReplyDeleteLove you my friend
Thanks for always sharing from your heart sis, love you.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your thoughts and prayers, they are working. Praise God.
ReplyDeleteWonderful, wonderful post! He took it all so I could be free! Thank you Jesus!
ReplyDeleteAs always, thank you for sharing, bless you!
He is Faithful!
I can't even imagine what Jesus did for me. Just like the lyrics that go, "I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross!"
ReplyDeleteBless you friend!
It's unfathomable what Jesus did for us. I live in awe.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this heart-felt post.
HIs sacrifice bought true peace and freedom... I am so grateful for that...and for you...
ReplyDelete"I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise." - Luke 23:43
ReplyDeleteThe saved thief is a specimen of what the cross is appointed to do. Sin abounding, grace super-abounding.
What is yon cross erected for? To save souls! See, it saves one of the worst; one who had done nothing but evil all his days!
What does that blood flow for? To wash away sin! See, it washes one of the blackest!
What does yon Sufferer die for? To pardon the guiltiest! Not merely to save from hell, but to open Paradise to the chief of sinners--to open it at once; not after years of torment, but "today." Today "with Me." Yes, Jesus goes back to heaven with a saved robber at His side! What an efficacy in the cross!
What grace, what glory, what cleansing, what healing, what blessing--at yonder cross! Even "in weakness" the Son of God can deliver--can pluck brands from the burning--can defy and defeat the evil one! Such is the meaning of the cross! Such is the interpretation which God puts upon it, by saving that wretched thief.
See how near to hell a man may be--and yet be saved! That thief, was he not on the very brink of the burning lake--one foot in hell; almost set on fire by hell? Yet he is plucked out! He has done nothing but evil all his days--down to the very last hour of his life; yet he is saved. He is just about to step into perdition, when the hand of the Son of God seizes him and lifts him to Paradise!
Ah, what grace is here!
What boundless love!
What power to save!
Who after this need despair?
Truly Jesus is mighty to save!
See how near a man may be to Christ--and yet not be saved. The other thief is as near the Savior as his fellow--yet he perishes. From the very side of Christ--he goes down to hell. From the very side of his saved fellow--he passes into damnation. We see the one going up to heaven--and the other going down to hell.
This is astonishing--and it is fearful!
Oh, what a lesson--what a sermon is here!" - Horatius Bonar