“It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.” - Proverbs 21:19
“Ladies, please lower your voice or remain silent,” I requested as I was doing the blood sugar checks on the female side.
The din of early morning chats was reverberating way much, being in that tiny waiting area as a throng of about 12-15 diabetic women, of different ages, gathered from 2 different units. The sign: “No Talking!” was brightly posted on one of the walls but always was clearly ignored. I usually never got upset. But when I try to give them the “hush-hush”, it was also for safety as sometimes, some of them would try to distract me from doing a particular accucheck.
They knew me by now that I was one of those careful not to be distracted. In an instant that if they would become successful grabbing my attention, someone could easily steal needles or other things. A dangerous way of accumulating objects that could be improvised to process for a weapon. I never allowed them to do the accuchecks by two’s, despite us, having a lot of machines. I only tried to call them one by one. Lesser distraction, and no chance of mistakes on my part when administering their insulin doses.
The Bible cautioned women not to chat way too much! Or not to NAG! Can you imagine seeing a husband up in an attic, hiding there, than to be with his nagging wife? [Proverbs 25:24 - “It is better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a contentious wife in a lovely home.”].
Nagging will do us, women, no good. If we can’t be peacemakers at home, how can we be away from making troubles in the community? Nagging does not help in a marriage. It is one of the reasons why marriages break up, too. We can all learn from the godly qualities of the Proverbs 31 woman. But “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. [Proverbs 1:7]
So, let us be careful before we even speak. But only let those words that help build others up [Ephesians 4:29]…Check out this news from Italy. Nagging was the reason why this man chose to be in prison than to be home:
Crook Prefers Jail To Wife
An Italian crook begged to go back to jail after telling wardens life behind bars was better than living with his wife again.
Prison bosses had freed Luigi Folliero, 45, to serve the second year of his two-year sentence for theft under house arrest.
But after just 2 days at home, he fled back to Ponte San Leonardo jail, near Naples, and pleaded to go back in his old cell because he could not stand being at home with his wife. He told wardens: “She never stops moaning and nagging.”
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my hubby to coop up in the attic!
This is a good post to start the week with! I think the no nagging rule should extend to our children as well. We can alienate those we love my nagging, moaning and groaning. Sometimes it's just better to bite your tongue that to harp on the same thing over and over again.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed week dear sister!
I only want to do good to my husband all of the days of my life!!! Great reminder here Rosel!! Thanks! And I agree with what Lisa said about the same thing going for our kids too. Nagging never accomplishes anything!! :)
ReplyDeleteEven though I cannot really relate to nagging to a spouse or children, I nag in other ways. Great post Rosel. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAMEN Rosel. I needed this one, today. It is so easy to go and on about something...when I need to keep my big mouth shut.
ReplyDeleteHugs, love, and prayers,
“It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.” - Proverbs 21:19
ReplyDeleteI have this scripture underlined in all my Bibles....Thanks for the sharpening (Proverbs 27:17)...the Lord has really spoken to my heart about this 'nagging' these last 18 months...Our marriage definitely has been transformed, restored and renewed so powerfully these last 18 months that it has left me in AWE,,and pretty much everyone else around us,,LOL..I think when I finally started to pray,,'Lord change me' instead of Lord change Randy'...helped get my eyes off of my hubby and onto what changes needed to be made within and on me...Blessings sweet sis and thank you for pouring your heart out with such wonderful godly wisdom...((hugs))
I used to work in an office with 15 women. My old boss used to say "You ladies are like a barn full of hens. When one of you is down, the other ones all stand around pecking at the one who's down." His way of addressing the gossip, I guess.
ReplyDeleteWell said, and I find myself at times when speaking to my hubby and seeing him cringe at times. I know its what I am saying or even those tones in my words. May God continue to do this great work in me and find ways that I can bless him through my words, to build and encourage him in the ways he should be. I have a pretty amazing guy!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
what great words of wisdom.....and much needed. We are at the tail end of this renovation and certainly getting on each others' last nerve with the chaos/stress that construction can bring about.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder that I should refrain from saying anything unless it is building up my husband. Words can be so damaging, can't they?
Great post, as always, Rosel.
oh, ps. Can you give me your email.....I can never find it and would love to have it handy. I wanted to email you and ask you to repost your comment from today as for some reason, I got the notification but it didn't publish. You can email me at michelle [at] ct.metrocast [dot] net.
Please stop by my blog today to pick up a prayer button for my wife Kat at Hear to Heart. She is having surgery in Thursday.
ReplyDeleteThank you and God Bless,
I remember times when my DH quoted this scripture to me (I didn't even know I was nagging him!) Great post and funny...just like you!
ReplyDeleteThat's good advice. I try not to nag my husband, but I think I can "overstate my case" with the kids. I need to work on that.
ReplyDeleteHa. True. I can tell you from my own experience that nagging doesn't work. :o)
ReplyDeleteSuch great wisdom.
ReplyDeleteThis is a gentle reminder to us women to use our tongues for good and not for evil. Nagging, unceasing reminders, treating our husbands and sons as little children (but even children hate to be nagged)... is a very dishonoring thing to do!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post dear Rosel. Your posts are always so full of wisdom.
For the most part....women are "responders". As a man....I feel that if I am loving my wife as Christ loves the church....she would have no reason to nag. Just my opinion.
ReplyDeleteRosel.....I was blessed to learn this about 10 yrs ago and trust me I had to learn it :) LOL the Lord did a big work in me and I know sometimes I mess up but praise HIM and bless my DH heart I recognize it much faster than I use to :)
ReplyDeleteGreat words today....Love you
That was a great post, Dear. I don't know where you find all the great videos, but I loved the scripture verses. Blessings, sweet friend ~
ReplyDeleteI don't have you email...found that out when I went to reply back to your comment and it went 'nowhere' to non reply back..LOL.
ReplyDeletehere is what I wrote.
I'm like you,, I always enlarge the pictures,,lol
Thank you for the sweet blessings and prayer you covered my family with. We SO need it.
Please pray for my son Asher. His anxiety level is up and he is missing school today. I am going to take him to the Dr.'s. He won't graduate this year if we do not get this under control.
I remember hearing about that man! It is the perfect demonstration of that verse. What a neat video you have shared here. It is a nice compilation to hear in the morning before heading out for the day. Thanks for the encouraging post!
ReplyDeleteI have read your comments on other's blogs that I follow and decided to come see your main page. I like seeing into your heart - so, I'm following you here today.
ReplyDeletethanks for this message.
I'm a 24/7 caregiver for my 83 year old father and this goes a long way with being a caregiver as well. He says I talk enough for both of us! :) therefore, he chooses not to talk or relate at all - at least as minimal as possible. Thus, I find myself in this nagging mode - it seems - because he actually ignores me - most of the time :)
It is sad, because, I've worked with seniors for 11 years now, and he is the only one who seems to rebel against my caregiving. It must be a 'family' thing that makes the difference. You know, they know us better than anyone else. We've seen each other's failures and we've walked through years of growing together or apart as times would tell. From my current perspective, It is easier to care give someone one other than family.
There is a delicate line here where I must encourage and continue to help him help himself - without sounding 'nagging'. I find myself face to face with the Lord everyday on this issue. He isn't finished with me yet.
Thankfully, He walks beside me 24 hours a day. His Holy Spirit keeps me continually aware of my words and my attitude. I miss the mark most days! :( But the Lord is doing a transforming work in me - beneath the surface. In fact, I can atest to the fact that I've been placed in this position to transform me on a deeper level. And for that...I am most joyious!
Thank you for this pondering reminder! I will keep it close to my heart..
Blessings for your words here and all over blogvilla, you are a light in the darkness.
Patrina <")>><
His watchman on the wall
This was so good and much needed. It is such an easy thing to fall into without really meaning to. Thanks for the reminder. Have a wonderful day...Blessings, Debbie
ReplyDeleteI will have to apply this to being a teacher as well! Thank you for all your encouraging words.
ReplyDeleteRCubes ... this was an awesome reminder. I definitely needed this today. God Bless, Aine :)
ReplyDeleteI responded on my comments to your kind response to my comment here - but just incase you don't subcribe to the comments - I want you to har my rewponse to yours. thank you for hearing me Yesterday - You were a huge blessing to my soul. I thank God for you, neighbor!
What a blesing you've been to me today. Wow. You actually understand my situation here. Thank you for taking the time to pick up the pencil to scribe your thots and your story of your dad. I am so honored that you entered into my story with such understanding. It is difficult to share - I don't know how to share most of it without sounding so negative. It has changed me - it has changed our relationship. It's a sad situation. But the Lord is my strength. I couldn't do this without His tower of strength over me.
I praise the Lord for you, my new neighbor, and thank you soo much for your prayers. Seriously, I place high value on prayer - I feel loved and cared for tonight - knowing that another soul - is taking me and my father to the Lord in prayer. Awesome!
Bless you, dear one - I look forward to more sharing. Thanks for joining me here on the Bridge.
Patrina <")>><
His watchman on the wall
Rosel, I pray you're doing well. You never fail me, through Christ Jesus, to bless me with your posts and today is no different. I loved this post and the video you included.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kinds words of friendship and condolence. You are mighty precious to me and I'm grateful to God that He brought you into my life.
God bless you, my sweet sister! Love you!