“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that.” ~ Charles Spurgeon
Swiping my electronic key to open the metal door in our staff parking, I heard someone hollered from the back, “Hey Rcubes! They just had a code blue there earlier!”
Glancing to where the greeting came from, I saw my co-worker who worked PM shift waving at me, on her way home.
The air was clear when I got to the jail‘s Infirmary. There were no more traces of what had transpired earlier during PM shift. The county’s Homicide Unit just got done, so I heard. The flow of adrenaline could still be felt as all the nursing staff was gathered, conversing about this incident.
He was a young man. His life spent on long-time abuse of illegal drugs. He came down to the Clinic after having chest pains. They occurred after he did some “burpies” [prison exercise]. He was very restless as one nurse initiated the EKG. But during the procedure, he started having a seizure and just stopped breathing. Chaos followed. But with those trained hands, precision was important as the game of tug of war began. Tug between life and death. The jail’s doctor was still there. He started the chest compressions as others initiated the IV, and other things they could do to revive this precious life. To no avail.
“Tragic,” one sighed. “He’s still young.”
As the last PM nurse walked out with weary steps, ready to retire to his bed, another shift took over. Ours. Ready for whatever would come our way. Ready to revive any who would go into cardiac arrest. Because that is the nurse’s first and foremost goal. To save. A life.
Tragic as it was to lose that young man’s life, it was even a greater tragedy to lose a soul who did not know God’s gift of forgiveness. That is the greatest human tragedy. To die not knowing Jesus. Because death is inevitable. We all know that. It will come to all of us like a thief in the night. We will all die. We don’t know when. But what happens when we do? The Bible speaks about two eternal destination: heaven and hell. How do we know where we are heading to?
Jesus said, “I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God.” [John 3:3]
“The truth is no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven.” [John 3:5,6].
“And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” - Romans 10:15
We, who were revived before by our Savior must return the favor to those needing His salvation. It is a part of our calling to share what we know about Jesus. The Lord had forgiven our sins when we accepted His gift of salvation. He even took us out of “Egypt” [bondage or slavery], then what now? We are granted His promise of an eternal life. So, what do we do as we wait and long for our heavenly home? God loves all of us. He wants all men to be saved.
But let us first keep the true faith. Let’s study it and know it well so we are not defeated by ignorance. Let this faith make us pour our hearts out in prayers, draw nearer to His Word and manifest with our rich, good deeds. Then, we can teach and share the Healing Power of Salvation from Jesus to those needing it, before they face their own tragic, untimely death.
“But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself seriously - take God seriously.” [Micah 6:8; The Message]
Jesus saying: "Trust me and be relieved. I will deliver you."..."Then, why are you just standing still without stretching your hand to them?"
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All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.
Spring is Here1 week ago
New Life.1 week ago
Peace2 months ago
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Summoned Home9 years ago
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Pressure11 years ago
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Pondering...13 years ago
Sweetness16 years ago
So sad to watch someone die you know is not saved! I know you are a shining light for our LORD in the prison system and those who meet you and see you have NO choice but to see the face of Jesus. It is sad, some still choose not to accept HIM. GOD gives each of us a choice! I pray GOD will use you like never before to penetrate the hearts of all those you encounter in and out of the prison system.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, hugs, and prayers,
ReplyDeleteHow difficult to watch those around you live a life of rejection to the Lord knowing HE is the answer to all they need and are looking for.
I know your heart and I will continue to pray that you not grow weary in doing good but that in due season you will reap a harvest!
I love you my faithful friend
I think of the rich man & Lazarus from Luke. When the rich man begs Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers so they would not also come to this place of torment. And the great chasm Abraham explained has been fixed so that no one can cross over. I think about the plea from the rich man from hell. If we really understood what the bible tells us hell is, we would never stop sharing Jesus with everyone we meet!
I think sometimes we forget how big a thing it is...the after-life. This is our one big chance.
ReplyDeleteOnce I was biking through a cemetery. I had some Bible tracts in my backpack. I felt the Lord's urging to stop and talk to an elderly man who was visiting his deceased wife's grave (probably).
I stopped and handed him a tract. I asked if he knew where he was going when he died...he pointed to the ground. I said "Really? Doesn't that concern you? Once you die, there's no going back to change things. Better give that some thought before it's too late." I could see by the look that came over his face that God was doing a work in him. I went on my way.
You have an incredible opportunity at the prison. I'm so glad you're making a difference there. I think God has a very special plan for your life...
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ReplyDeleteI love the heart of an evangelist.
ReplyDeleteI feel a kindred spirit towards you and I don't even know you.
Keep up the good work for the cause of Christ.
God bless you, Ron
Ooof. That feels like a fist in the gut, to hear of this death. These words are going to reverberate a while: "That is the greatest human tragedy. To die not knowing Jesus."
ReplyDeleteToday, I consider the lost.
Thank you for sharing ...
My Sweet Sister,
ReplyDeleteWhen I think about the scope of things, this life and then the after life once we die, I'm always blown completely away. The thought of never having a second chance after we die...makes me really want to do all I humanly can do on this earth to live, love, soak in and breathe in all of who He is. It makes me want to magnify Him in such a way to so many that they can't think of anything else or see anything else but Him before them, beside them and within them guiding them along in their journey here. You have so many opportunities to share Him where you are and here as well and He continues to reside deeply within you as you obediently trek on in your journey throughout this lifetime with Him. God first and everything after Him.
You my friend are the epitome of a well-rounded soul-seeker in my eyes who is so much in love with the Lord that your mind, heart and soul seeks, finds and fills so many others who are so much in need of Him, in knowing Him. Praise the Lord for all that He does. Praise the Lord for how He uses you. Praise the Lord for He has gifted you in so many ways and it's all for His praise, honor and glory. Yes...Praise the Lord!!!
You have stirred my mind, heart and soul today...and that my friend is ALWAYS a good thing.
Oh how I love you my precious sister.
My heart leaped at the Spurgeon quote
ReplyDelete(it was not a burpie, just a leap!).
I read him daily since modern preachers are destined to include New Age, Gospel of Properity, and Everyday Theology with beauts like "God helps those who help themselves", ....which is not in the Bible; or "preach the Gospel always; if necessary use words".....also not in the Bible (I believe it was St. Francis on that one).
So Spurgeon is the man of truth, though he spoke in the 1800's.
Two excellent links on Spurgeon follow.
The first is a Daily Spurgeon, and the pictures alone are worth a look. But read Spurgeon with the pic and enjoy daily on RSS.
The second link is an excellent index of Spurgeon writings and an encouragement to read them all in one year. I shall fail at the one year effort, but am likely to pick up many of the references written. Check it out:
The list of Spurgeon books would stock a prison library, so if you buy the book and read them (the list is massive), consider donating it to your local prison library.
The truth the prisoners read from Spurgeon will go a long way to setting them free indeed.
Happy New Year Rosel!
ReplyDeleteOnce again a very moving post! It is truly tragic to lose a life and a soul at the same time. The souls life continues long after this body breathes it last breath. We all must be in the world trying to save each and every soul we can for when we do, we are increasing the population of heaven one at a time and giving that person a whole new start at life.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
My heart breaks for that young man. No matter what brought him to where he was physically, emotionally, etc.....He is someone's son here on earth..and of course, he is God's son. My prayers are that he was able to connect with and accept Our Father in his last hour, his last breath.
ReplyDeleteI've said it before....and I'll say it again. You are such a Light in that dark place, Rosel. You sure are making God proud!
I hear stories like yours and my heart just breaks for humanity. They need Jesus! We have to be that light. Somewhere there is a mother with a broken heart. And I pray that God will send laborers across her path. This is such a good reminder that we need to be the salt and light in this earth. Not blend in and look/act like everyone else. We should stand out, be different. Lord help us!
ReplyDeleteOh Rosel, this is so sad. I have only lost one person in my life who I felt certain that he didn't know Jesus. When I heard of his death, I literally fell over on my knees and wailed. The loss, the eternal loss was more than I could bear.
ReplyDeleteBroken souls are what Jesus died for! As we come to a greater revelation of the extreme love that He has for them, our hearts will break for them as well until each one that we can touch will know of this great love that God has for them. Thanks for inspiring us all Rosel.
ReplyDeleteI've known students and a family member who are too proud to "believe" in God - they're too smart for that - some just don't want anything to curb their excess or behavior. However, those of us who do believe, reach out that hand, grieve when they turn away. However, just because they turned away doesn't mean we cannot continue praying for them!
ReplyDeleteYour posts amaze me! Be blessed!
Thank you for this account. Life is fragile and we never know when it will end. There are so many around me who do not know Jesus; may I always be on the look out for opportunities to share Him.
ReplyDeleteYes, the greater tragedy is to lose a soul.
ReplyDeleteI am saddened at the loss of this young life so full of anger and bitterness, and to end up going to a place that offers neither relief nor respite from the pain.
I pray that this year our lives will be as signposts for others to find the way home.
Blessings on your new year!
I once had a dream..average people were dying all around me..men, women and even teens. I woke up scared. It was a dream that people are living their lives happy, carefree unaware that they need Christ. Your message is powerful. Sarah
ReplyDeleteNothing is sadder than to die without Christ. I am so glad He saw past my brokenness and forgave me. Your blog is a powerful message to all that will listen.