Have Faith and Believe

25During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. 27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." 28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." 29"Come," he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" 31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?" [Matthew 14:25-31; NIV].

My son had a follow-up appointment with his primary doctor yesterday. The headaches continued. He was so good about the way the doctor made him perform different neurological tests, despite the pain and dizziness. He passed them all…

His doctor got concerned with what was causing his headaches so he wanted us to go back to ER to have a lumbar puncture done. This is where they insert a huge needle to the back to get some sample of the CSF [cerebro-spinal fluid] to determine if he had any bacterial meningitis.

His headache throbbed more, with the intensity going up after his doctor’s visit. My husband and I took him home first to rest a little bit. When he was still not ready, off we went to our 2nd trip to ER.

As a nurse, since my son was little, if there was any procedure to be done, I always was honest to tell him if it would hurt or not, so that he was aware of what was going to happen. I had learned that it made him more prepared and less anxious. I told him I would ask the doctor there to give him an IV fluid because he hasn’t eaten nor drunk much fluids yesterday. That the lumbar puncture would feel like a pinch on his back when they put a numbing medicine, before they would insert a needle. [Except I didn’t tell him how long the needle was at that time!]. And I reminded him: “Pray…Lift about your fears, your concerns to our Lord. As daddy and I would do that with you…”

He was calm. He patiently waited because he now knew it would take forever to be called. But he sat there, rubbing the top of his head…No words…Soft cries at times…No whine. No complaint.

Finally, he was called and he was given immediately something for pain. It helped just a little but he got more calm. When the nurse put him in a recumbent position, he was aware that they were about to do the lumbar puncture at that time. I saw my son’s lips moving up and down. He was praying.

“Lord, please guide the doctor’s hands. Let there be no complications after this procedure Lord. May the tests be okay and even if they are not, may they find the right intervention to help my son’s condition.”

Have faith and believe…

The lumbar puncture was done in less than 5 minutes. My son didn’t even feel anything he said. I heard him utter, “Thank You, Lord.” They wheeled him back to his bed to rest and wait for the results of his blood draw, chest x-ray and the nasal swab. Tired as he was from having all these procedures and doctors’ visits all day, he softly uttered, “I love you Mom. I love you Dad”…

After a long time of waiting, the whole time while he was still having a mild headache and nauseous [perhaps from the IV pain meds that they gave], everything came back negative for any bacterial infection. The doctor said that it was more viral but he would just suspect a mild case of meningitis [though he was only assuming as all my son’s vital signs were stable and all the other test results were normal], because of his headaches. That there was no treatment but rest and fluids and that it would go away on its own after several days.

My husband and I had our own diagnosis: MIRACLE!

Have faith and believe…
My son crashed to his bed as soon as we got home. As I watched him all night long, that was the longest sleep he ever had.

“Thank You Lord for all of Your blessings. For constantly reminding me that this will come to pass. For reminding me that You are holding our hands as we cross the deepest, wild rivers or if we walk on fires. Lord, thank You for Your love and grace.”

Have faith and believe…

When my son woke up this morning, there was no more headaches. He was able to eat breakfast and had some hot tea. He washed up. He’s not 100% strong but I’m so glad to see his smiles again, get his hugs and his soft kisses as he whispers “I love you and thank you to me and my husband”…

We’re about to go to his primary doctor again in an hour but I wanted to take this quick opportunity to thank all of you who have walked with us in this part of our life’s journey. Who immediately held us up through prayers, who kept us feeling warm with your sincere love.

Thank You is not even enough to express our gratitude. I pray the Lord will bless all of you richly and may He grant your hearts’ desires. This is what friendship in Him means - it is to edify each other. And through this special friendship we all share, let the unity that comes from His love binds us all.

Have faith and believe…


  1. I'm so glad to read that your son is feeling better!

    Thank you for posting this beautiful account of your young son's faith and prayers during all those yucky medical procedures. It's so encouraging to see how your example, and of course most of all the Spirit of God, are working in one so young. God be praised!

  2. Thank you,Jesus, for the healing. You are still walking among us, touching us and making us well.

  3. What a precious moment to see your son whispering prayers to Jesus! What an awesome young man!

    I, too always tell/told my kids the truth about procedures and they did well. We are not practicing the same method with our granddaughter.

    I am continuing to pray. My own illness seems to keep your little man on my heart. I can't imagine how much worse he feels than I.

    Dear friend, please keep us posted!

    Much love, hugs, and prayers, andrea

  4. Thank the Lord for a miracle and His healing touch. Praying he will be back to normal soon. Love and Hugs ~ Cathy

  5. OH my goodness what a post. I remember having a spinal tap done as a kid. I do not know if these two are related somehow. But, it certainly was not pleasant for me. At the time, my parents also thought I had menigitis because of the stiff necks. Your little boy is such a brave one! What a blessing and a miracle the day after. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Miracle, yes. Praise God. I love you sweet friend, my prayers continue. I asked for prayers for you, and your precious son on my fearless friday post on my prayer blog.

  7. It is hard to see any of our loved ones sick, but especially our children. We should praise Him when there is a cure, but sometimes there is no cure and He is still precious.

  8. Hey Rcube, I am so glad to hear your son is feeling better. I will still keep him in prayer though and you. I think you are so awesome. Please remember that. Sarah


"Faith is taking the first step even if you don't see the whole staircase..."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

All posts/composed songs copyright by RCUBEs.


