A methamphetamine-induced "high" artificially boosts self-confidence, many users are overcome by a so-called "superman syndrome." In this state, methamphetamine abusers ignore their physical limitations and try to do things which they are normally incapable of performing. Meth is highly addictive because people often continue using the drug to avoid an inevitable crash that comes when the drugs' positive effects begin to wear off. Even first-time users experience many of meth's negative effects. [Source: Clearhavencenter.com].
I didn’t see “self confidence”when the Highway Patrol Officer led this young man into the chair inside the Nurse’s Clinic at Intake [where arrestees first get searched and processed in prisons]. Bowing his head way low, his chin almost touching his upper chest, he wouldn’t dare look me in the eye. I saw some beads of tears fall as he constantly rubbed his eyes with the digits of his left hand.
“Sir, it’s okay. You can talk to me. I want to help you. What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know…I don’t know.”[as he kept hiding his face from me].
“Do you drink alcohol?”
“Do you use street drugs?”
“Meth. I use 8-ball everyday, whatever maximum amount my hands could get,” he mumbled under his breath.
Vital signs were: Pulse: 110, Blood pressure: 109/69. So, the pulse was slightly racing.
“If there was nothing wrong, how come you couldn’t look me in the eye?”
“I’m seeing people. They are not even there. I don’t want to see them. And sometimes, I hear voices.”
“What are the voices telling you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you feel like hurting yourself because of that?”
A forced “Yes” was given. [I placed him on Suicide Watch].
How sad that there are so many young people hooked up on drugs at such an early age. They like the “sudden thrill” that the illegal substances give them, without thinking of the drugs’ adverse effects, specially on their health. The substances control their lives. Like a bug trapped in the spider’s web, their bodies are ensnared with the habitual use of drugs.
It is a scary world out there as peer pressure or just out of curiosity, children are prone to being tempted to use illegal substances. Instead of the “high” they get from these drugs, as parents, we can help our children avoid the use, as we start by building up their “self esteem”. If they have a positive image, children have a better way of standing up against peer pressure. We must remind them that they are God’s special creation [Psalm 139:13-16] and worth of dignity and respect. Kids might think that “using drugs are cool” but we must warn them that they are truly dangerous.
As parents, we can monitor the kind of friendships they have outside our homes. It helps to know the other friends’ families. Unsupervised, it is a temptation for drug experimentation. If we provide our children activities, their minds would be busy doing something productive instead.
Prayers and a closer walk with God will help them live by the Spirit. The Spirit is God’s gift to all who will believe in what Jesus had done. It indwells all believers permanently. [2 Corinthians 1:22 –“and who has also put His seal on us and given us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”]. When we allow the Spirit to freely occupy every part of our lives, then He will guide and control us.
So…"got Spirit?”

“Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”
–Romans 8:5
“For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” – Romans 8:13
“Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?”
- 1 Corinthians 3:16
“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” –Galatians 5:16
“We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.” -1 John 4:13
Woo Hoo, you so inspire me my friend. I love you.
ReplyDeleteAmen! If people only knew how God's presence -- His touch felt -- no "high" could compare. Doesn't God's Word say to be DRUNK IN THE SPIRIT? There is nothing like the wonderful presence of our Lord.
ReplyDeleteIf I were in your job, I don't think I could contain myself from laying hands on those kids and praying. It must be such a hard place to be my friend.
Great Post! This is so true!! If we can teach our young ones to know who they are in Christ, to know that He has given them His righteousness as a free gift and to hear the Spirit of God, these lies and bondages would have no place!
ReplyDeleteThese kids are blessed to have you, in their paths.
Sister Denise: I rejoice with you in knowing what a Spirit-filled life means...Thanks for always coming. Love and blessings.
ReplyDeleteSister Beth: I wish we are working together. I know you're a great prayer intercessor. Work-wise physically, it's not hard. But my co-workers who are not Christians, and even the Christians who are not sensitive to the spiritual issues wouldn't think it's hard. I think it's a very hard place to be. But God sustains me with the wisdom and the strength I need. I'm not afraid anymore after He showed me what a true spiritual battle means. In my weakness, He is truly my Strength, my Shield, my Refuge, my Armor! Yes, I'd rather be drunk and high in His Spirit, which worldly things can't probably even describe. To Him be the glory!
Daveda: Hi again. Thanks for the return. Sometimes, the best thing I can do is just pray for those lost and hurting souls I come across with. Deep in me, I know the real need for them to know Jesus. That's why I'm glad we have prison ministries in different churches. It's a great ministry to that dark place.
What a powerful sharing dear Sister!
ReplyDeleteNothing at all like living filled with the Holy Spirit and being on fire in His Spirit! I pray for each person that is lost in sin and living unaware and detached from the presence of our GOD and the indwelling of His Holy Spirit through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray for you dear sister this day that the power of the HOLY SPIRIT will continue to increase in your life especially as you go into your job. May the LORD use your life continously for His glory.
You are an Evangelist by heart. I can see that in your writing whenever I'm blessed to get over here to read. You have a heart to share JESUS and that's precious and powerful.
May He give you many opportunities and may you walk into the doors He opens for you. May His blessings fill your home and loved ones and may you continue to walk by faith in Jesus Name.
Love you.
Thank you for the link to Alleluiabelle's prayer needs. Great message today!
ReplyDeleteSister Lisa: I treasure your prayer and thank you so much because I need it! I truly want to be used by the Lord and do whatever He willed for me. Love and prayers to you.
ReplyDeleteBrother Chris: Thank you for coming by and let's keep lifting up our brothers and sisters hurting at this time. God bless.
Love your post today! I think I am on fire!! Reminds me of the movie Castaway, where Tom Hanks is shouting about his ability to make fire!!!
ReplyDeleteWoo Hoo! The spirit is alive and well! Keeping the joy of the spirit alive today!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Amen....You bless me everytime I come to your blog. I, too join in prayer for our sister A-belle.
ReplyDeleteBlessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea
Praying for our young people today. Also left a prayer with Abelle. God bless you my friend. I cherish your prayer warrior's heart. Thank you. Thank GOD!
ReplyDeleteYour sister in Christ,
I got Spirit! Yes I do! I got Spirit! How 'bout you?
ReplyDeleteSorry this just came to my mind as I was reading your post today.
Isn't it wonderful that Jesus did not leave us without His Spirit to lead us and guide us in our life on this earth. And, not only that, but empower us to live as He did when He was here! WooHoo!
I loved your post today Rosel!
I forgot to mention that I loved your leaning of influence and teaching our children of this very Truth. I am always reminding my children to listen to the Spirit of God within them for Truth and direction!
ReplyDeleteWhat a powerful message you share here. God seems to have placed you as a doorkeeper for His work in a place where you come face-to-face with people thirsty for grace.
You inspire.
Sister Kat: "Castaway" was a great movie! We represent that "Fire" now in dark places. May we continue to shine for the Lord!
ReplyDeleteHi sister Andrea: Thank you for always encouraging me and for your prayers, too. Love and blessings.
Sister Bren: It's great that through this technology, we can lift up our needs as we pray altogether. To God be the glory!
Sister Christy: We will have a long and joyous celebration if we let the Spirit truly rule our lives. Thanks be to God for His Help!
Welcome sister Jennifer. Thanks for the visit. Sorry I didn't say anything when I signed in to follow you. But your blog awed me, too! So, I'll see you again :) God bless.
why is it that when i get here, it feels as if i'm being given a warm embrace.
ReplyDeletehugs in return,
Hello! I come across your blog thru Silver's blog. I am a single mother myself raising two children on my own. There was a time that my girls and I rode on a high rough sea in our life. It was a hard struggle juggling my responsibilities as a working mother, a provider, a guidance counsellor and all. If there is anything I can attribute our life it is to our Providence above. I admit, I could not do the enormity of my job without His help. I grounded my girls with God's teachings and being grateful for His mercy and provisions in spite our struggles. My eldest especially was involved with questionable characters at school but only as their pillar because she was a no nonsense kid. She was persecuted as being a goody-goody girl and in turned she blamed me for it. In the long run, she gained respect from them the moment they met me in person. She openly confessed to me that she did try the demons via her school friends just to get herself IN the crowd, literally speaking. Then again, she said, "the trouble Mum is the demons that I tried did not like me." If she did not exercise self-control and did not know how to say NO, and if she was not grounded with Fear of the Lord, I don't know what I was going to do. The Angel of the Lord protects her. I was glad that my children can come to me and talk even there were times they did not feel like talking. It is very important for parents to establish trust and friendship with their children to boost their confidence. I made it sure to my girls that it was paramount to me to know their friends and family. As a parent I did not judge her friends instead I showed them my motherly compassion. Their parents in turn are very caring towards my children. Hope we can give our troubled teenagers a GO with patience and love. Love is the factor there.
ReplyDeleteInsightful blog you have here.
Silver: I'm glad. I pray that people who will visit me will come to know His loving embrace. To Him be the glory!
ReplyDeleteSister Bonnie: Hi and thanks for coming by. I really appreciate it and it means a lot whenever I meet a new bro. or sis in Christ's Name. [Glory be to our God forever!]. Wow! That's a very powerful testimony you shared here and I'm blessed myself! Thank you for sharing that and yes, there will come a time that we have to let go of our children as we are only here to guide. But if rooted in God's love, we shouldn't worry. We'll let go and "let God"...God bless and hope you'll visit again.
I put this on the record so that I can keep track with you next time. I write various topics so I am not regular on my main blog.
ReplyDeletePlease find it here:
RCubes Got Spirit?>
Sister Bonnie: Thanks for the follow. I think that's great you're keeping a record of blogs you commented on. There are so many, many wonderful people blogging for Jesus!!! To God be the glory! God bless.
ReplyDeletePlease come by my site today. i have an award for you.
Wow! What a powerful post. It is sad how much of the drugs on the streets are becoming an every day event in so many people's lives. I know several that are abusers. They think it's their "constitutional right" but we know it's a crutch for many. I keep praying that some day they will see the light. It's awesome how you wrote this piece. God Bless You!
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of awards for you at my blog. I really enjoy reading your posts, and and wish I would get my act together so I could read daily. Someday prayerfully hoping.
Sister Omah: There are so many arrestees, most of them are drug-related, it is sad! Even if incarcerated, I'm not sure if they are learning anything as they are back again even if released. I think it's only the Lord Who can truly set us free from any traps/bondages.
ReplyDeleteThank you for thinking of me with the blog blessings. I appreciate it. God bless. Love you in Christ.